5 Ways to Recognize the Need for Change

Nov 11, 2023

No matter how it happens, you can assure yourself, change will happen.

Change can bring clarity, peace and growth. Change can also bring tears, sadness and feelings of resistance. At times we resist change and sometimes, we yearn for it. How will you handle change when it comes?

Will you be in denial and push it away?

Will you embrace cahnge and move forward into the newness of what it will bring?

I, myself , tend to be  a processor. I have to talk it out, I have to find some kind of relation. I can always tell that change is coming or has to happen when  these things start happening;

1. I feel like life is stagnant. Life becomes redundant and seems it is no longer exciting. 

2. I stop hearing from God. Hear me when I say I stop hearing from God, He has not left my side, He never will, but the things around me become SO much louder that I can no longer hear him speaking to me. That is when I know I need to quiet myself and the things around me. What is he saying? Only God has the answers. 

3. The things that used to bring me joy no longer bring me joy. That may sound so obvious but it often takes me some time to actually realize my joy is stifled. My creative space is lacking and I'm just all around uninspired. 

4. Challenges in my  physical or mental health. Stomach issues, anxiety, depression, nervous system dysregulation. I get tired , inflamation takes place ( usually brought on by stress) and my body is in PAIN .

5. I find myself feeling angry, short tempered and generally unhappy. These are NOT fruits of the spirit so when this begins to happen I really feel it and I KNOW it’s time for a change. 

You maybe able to relate to all 5 of these or none of these. The point is to recognize what is happening in your life when you feel moods and routines around you changing. Be ready to take action. If I didnt have the 3 things below during a time of change in my life it would be very difficult to see change as something that could be beneficial.

1) Jesus

2) community

3)humility / open heart and the willingness to change

The number one thing that is most important for me is my faith. Knowing there is a real spiritual battle going on is such an important thing for me to understand. It is important for me to remember, there is a darkness that is trying to literally take me out and away from the light and goodness that God freely offers me daily. Knowing there is a God who loves me and will fight for me , will never leave me , never forsake me and will always forgive me is probably one of the most comforting things for me when dealing with change. Change will always come and may even be confusing at times but God, God is stability in that change.

 “God never changes. He is the same today , yesterday and he will be the same forever .  He is always good , always loving and always powerful. No matter how the world changes around us He is always consistent.” AMEN.  
— ( Malachi 3:6) 

Change can bring us to many places in life . You get to choose if it will control your life or make you better at life.

Change is hard, especially if you don't use it as a tool for growth. Don’t get STUCK in change.

As Ghandi once said BE the change.”

Don’t let the change BE YOU !




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