Homeschool : A Family's Choice
May 21, 2024
I can appreciate and understand why homeschool moms kept to themselves. While I was frantically searching for answers to my questions, they would keep the feels and opinions mostly quiet. Locked up tight in their own sacred community of parents who know, who get it. Not wanting to share too much with the “normies” because the normies may just be looking for validation as to why they don't homeschool their children. These homeschool mamas are afraid of being judged, for making one of the hardest decisions they had to make, a decision that, at the time of making it, was only backed by grit ,faith and a whole lotta questions.
The reality is, we don't know. When it comes down to it we are fueled on just that, Faith, gut and grit, we are praying everyday that this was the right choice. Everyone is watching, everyone is waiting to see what happens. How will their kids turn out? How's mom? Is she put together? Is she happy? Are the kids happy? Does she seem content with her decision? What's next for them? There seems to be no room for error in a small town where homeschool is just on the rise. We are the scapegoat for the “normies'' who haven't made the jump yet. But they are watching, because they are curious, they are considering, they are willing to sacrifice your family for the greater good of their family. We are the pioneers. I know this and can speak openly about this because I was one of them, I was a “normie.” I watched, I waited, I wondered, I watched the sacrifice of others, until I couldn't deny it anymore. Until God made it so, so difficult to come against the opposition. We made the jump, the leap, and before we knew it, we were off and running. Fueled by Jesus and a lot of coffee, we took a leap of faith into the depths of something so unknown and scary. We crossed the tracks, we figured out the password into the secret society of the homeschool world and now…….we sink or swim.
Everyday is a new day, everyday brings new questions, everyday brings a new confirmation or a new doubt. We found out real quick, It's not for the faint of heart. If I have one word for anyone who is considering homeschool it is …. GOD. You cannot do this on your own. You will fail. Only God can call you to this, only God can lead you through the hard times and doubt, only God can remind you WHY you started in the first place and only God can continue to confirm you all the way through . God shows up special for a homeschool mom, just when you need him, just how you need him . God guides you through decisions and leaves the Holy Spirit very close to close the deals. I know God called us to homeschool when He did and I pray I will know when He decides to release us from it as well. Seeing what God has done as a result of our obedience and sacrifice has been mind blowing, there is nothing He can't do if you allow it.
homeschool at work.
We began homeschool in the beginning of 2020, like a lot of parents did.. There was so much confusion and wacky things going on during that time it could only mean one thing, evil was rearing its nasty head and it was time to protect our children. There were no other options. I don't have to remind you how real and scary things got during that time, in fact most of us are still feeling the repercussions of it all. I only mention this time of life to insert the scripture ;
(Jeremiah 24:6 ) “God took something that the enemy meant for evil and He turned it to good.”
At the time we couldn't see the good that God was creating, or even his plan for that matter but He sure had all the above in mind , a creation and a plan. It's funny when you look back on different parts of your life you can see how all the pieces were connected together to get you to where you are today, even the crappy parts make sense. That's God turning to good.
When people realize we homeschool the first question is always, “How do you like it?”
That is a question with a response that only another homeschool parent could understand.
When we were first thinking about homeschool I was searching for answers. I was asking moms that I knew who homeschooled, I looked for blogs of moms who homeschooled, I wondered, “Why can't I find SOMEONE to give me a straight answer? Why isn't anyone sharing their FULL experience with me? Who has the answer Im looking for?”
Homeschool takes , dedication , sacrifice and a whole family cooperation.
After 4 years of homeschooling my 2 kids, I now know, there is no one answer that fits all. I just have to be honest with you , It's FREAKING HAAAARRRD. I want so badly to be that mom who can give you all the answers that I was searching for, to give you the clarity and the peace to make one of the biggest decisions of your life and your kids' future, but I can't. I will say there are so many ups and downs. So many unknown moments you can't prepare for and moments that you thank God for. There are tears, there is laughter. There are teachable moments and there are moments you just can't teach. There are times when you just want to quit. There are times you question your decision and there are times that you want to shout to the world that you have found the golden ticket to parenting and your kicking parentings ass ( sorry no other word would do ).The actual reality of homeschool is that it has to be right for your family, it has to make sense. Many people won’t agree with your decision , possibly even your family and that maybe hard to navigate. Everyone will have their opinion.
Truthfully, I no longer consider other people's opinions when it comes to making hard decisions for my family. I used to care, when I was the frantic mother running around asking for opinions on whether or not to homeschool my own children. I have come to realize that God really does know what he is doing , he “protected” ( for lack of a better word ) me from the opinions I was looking for and made me decide for myself what I thought was good for my kids at that time. Nobody can tell you how to raise your kids and what is best for them but you. I asked God what was right for us, I conversed with my husband on what we believe and what we agreed was the best decision for our kids. I didn't need to hear opinions from people who never considered change, or sacrifice , or something better for their family , whatever that may be.
I know that is hard to swallow and you want a definitive yes or no but that my friend is not the way parenting works. My experience parenting my kids so far is; you take, you give , you listen , you observe and you build from all of it, you create your own path and that is the right path for your family. I will say that if you have come this far in reading this particular blog post , God has planted a homeschool seed on your heart, you are curious, and that curiosity is just enough to water that seed. Good luck to you on this journey it is a beautiful one.
You CAN do it, if its on your heart God will make a way.
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